1. The purpose of the statement

The purpose of this data protection declaration is that Karl Ferenc e.v. 

(Headquarters: 2071 Páty, Vörösmarty u. 27)  by describe the data protection and data management principles applied on the website

2. Name of data controller:

Karl Ferenc s.t.

Headquarters: 2071 Páty, Vörösmarty u. 27.

3. Scope of data management:

3.1 The user provides the following personal data when making a purchase:

When purchasing (when concluding a contract):

Customer name

Customer's billing address

Customer's shipping address

E-mail address

Phone number

Tax number (only if the contracting party is a company)

The above data are used exclusively for invoicing, and are stored in accordance with the provisions of the Accounting Act.

3.2 The data management system does not ask the user for log-in or log-out data on the website, and does not record any data about the user other than the order he sends. No data is automatically recorded when using the website.

4. Legal basis, method and purpose of data management

4.1 The data controller's legal basis for processing the user's personal data is the user's voluntary consent to the processing of their own personal data pursuant to Act CXII of 2011 on the right to informational self-determination and freedom of information. law. (Infotv.) Section 5 (1) based on point a).

4.2 On the basis of legal authorization, the data controller may process natural personal identification data such as: address, telephone number, tax number, e-mail address and data related to the time of service use for the purpose of invoicing fees from the contract for the provision of the service.

4.3 The processing of personal data is carried out solely on a purpose-related basis. The purpose of handling personal data is: to provide the purchase option to users, to forward information and training materials to users, to maintain contact with our customers, and to issue invoices after the order of the good(s).

4.4 The purpose of the data recorded at the time of the order is to issue invoices and ensure the delivery of the goods to the customer.

4.5 The data handler does not use the provided personal data for purposes other than those described in these points before. The release of personal data to third parties or authorities - unless otherwise provided by law - is only possible with the prior expressed consent of the user.

5. Duration of data management

5.1 The processing of the provided personal data until the termination of the contract about the provision of the service, except for those regulated by legal provisions. (e.g. billing data).

5.2 The above provisions do not affect the fulfillment of retention obligations defined in legislation (e.g. accounting legislation).

6. Transmission and the processing of personal data

6.1 When using the website, the data handler does not use an external data processor.

7. User rights and legal options.

7.1 At the request of the data subject, the data controller shall provide information about the data subject's data handled, their source, the purpose, legal basis, and duration of the data processing, as well as who and for what purpose accessed their data. The data controller shall provide the requested information electronically within 30 days of the submission of the request.

7.2 The user has the right to request the correction of incorrectly recorded personal data.

7.3 The user has the right to request the deletion of his personal data. The deletion does not apply to data processing required by law (e.g. accounting regulations), the data controller will keep them for the necessary period.

7.4 The user may exercise the rights described in this statement via the following contact information:

Mailing address:

Karl Ferenc

2071 Páty, Vörösmarty u. 27.


7.5 The user can assert his rights in court based on the Info tv. and the Civil Code, and can contact the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority (NAIH) (1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C) in case of a complaint regarding the data management practices of the data controller.

8. Newsletters

8.1 The data manager may send letters containing advertisements or advertisements (newsletters) to the electronic mail addresses provided during the order only with the concrete and expressed consent of the user, in cases and in a manner that complies with the legal requirements.

9. Final Provisions

9.1 The data handler undertakes: to ensure the security of the personal data it manages, to take the technical measures that ensure that the recorded, stored and managed data is protected, and to do everything possible to prevent their destruction, unauthorized use and unauthorized change.

9.2 The data controller reserves the right to unilaterally modify this statement with the notification the users. The data manager will publish the information about changes to this privacy statement on the website After the amendment enters into force, the user acknowledges the contents of the declaration by using the website.